Friday, 31 January 2014

Goals for 2014


My goal for thinking is to think about others and not yourself. I will also try to ask good questions about my learning.

Relating to others:
My goal for relating to others is to make sure that the juniors are not being bullied and to do what the teacher tells me to do. I will also try to build positive relationships with others in the classroom and in the playground.

Using language, symbols and text:
My goal for using languages, symbols and text is to use signs, symbols and texts to build on my prior knowledge.

Managing self:
My goal for managing self is to teach myself how to do my work without the teacher helping me.

Participating and contributing:
My goal for participating and contributing is to join in on the softball team and also try my best to participate and contribute to all class and group activities.

Here are my goals for 2014.These goals will help me with my learning this year in room 7

What does back to school mean to me?

Here is my first blog post I have done for 2014.
This is post of what does back to school mean to me.