The swan is looking down at the water looking for food to eat. The city’s reflection is shining on the blue water, blue like the light blue sky. Big, terrifying. The noise of cars racing past, echo through the city. Dark black shadows of the trees surround the lake, the birds singing a beautiful song to put the light white swan to sleep.
The tall buildings with their great, big, massive windows reflect on the water, their bright yellow lights shining like the stars. The shadows of the trees, block the concrete pathway, leaves falling into the water like a army of ants. A small, brown wooden little bridge crosses over the water, a blur in the distance. The blue sky is shining like a blue car, the white clouds moving slowly and gently across the bright sky.
The fresh air floats around the swan, mingled with smells of the food coming from the city. The swan feels shy and lonely - there is no one to talk to. The soft and gentle water moves around the swan, as it swims lonely, calling out to the people walking past the lake.
Does anyone care about me?