Friday 24 April 2015

Blooms Taxonomy(Current Events)

This is a blooms taxonomy current events post about a article me and my friend Brandon picked.
Please leave a comment and give me and my friend some feedback or feedforward.
Here is the link.


  1. Hi!

    What a wonderful piece of Bloom's Taxonomy there, Cavhyon!

    I guess you could say...this is "blooming" through our minds from the moment we read that article, and the presentation also, which is what I would call "independent".

    Yes, the presentation's quite the same, the colours and stuff, but your answers provide more input of your thinking to the reader, for example on Slide 7, and how you say you wouldn't change anything in the article. Gallipoli is a disaster that shaped New Zealand. True that.

    1. Thank you for the feedback Willy.

    2. Thank you for the feedback Willy.
