Thursday 19 July 2012

Bulling script

Scene one:  Monday - Nerd 1 and 2 are in the library doing their work.  Bullys walk in.(Over shoulder of person looking on to book)

Nerd 1:  (excited) Yay!  I got an A+!  What about you?

Nerd 2: (excited) Me too!  I love school.  I never want to leave!

Nerd 1:  (sadly) I love school too...I just wish that we weren’t bullied every day...

Nerd 2: (sadly) too...Uh-oh...speaking of bullies...  ( extreme close up of hand pointing.)
Nerds walk in and stop (walk in = Extreme close up of feet) Bullies stop (low angle)
Bully 1: (standing over the nerds at the table) Hello nerds. (Over the shoulder of bullie )
Bully 2: (giggling from behind) Where are those punks ? It’s time to have some fun (snickering)

Nerd 1: (frightened) What do you want this time?  I already gave you my lunch money before school at the dairy.

Nerd 2:  (Sadly) Yeah, and I gave you (pointing to bully 2) mine!

Bully 1:  (Swiping the books and papers off the table) I want to be friends...with your face!

Bully 2: (laughing) Nice one!  Hahahahaha...

Nerds turn away scared they’re about to be punched in the face.  

Scene 2 - Tuesday - The nerds are walking down the corridor (with black eyes) before school, hanging their bags up.  The bullys are walking towards them, while taking bags off hooks and throwing them on the floor.

Bully 2:  (pushes nerd 2 against the wall) The song BAD from Michael Jackson.
Link: we should put bad on nearly every scene with the bullies.

Bully 1: Stay out of our way nerds.  I wouldn’t want to hurt you.  (Pats nerd one on the back)

Scene cuts to the nerds walking away - showing their backs - nerd one now has a ‘kick me’ sign stuck to their back.  

Scene three - Wednesday - Bully’s are in the class in detention - nerds walk past the classroom and see the Bullys.
Nerd 1:  (whispering) They’ve finally getting what they deserve.

Nerd 2: (worried) I don’t feel that great.  Maybe we should help them.  If we help them, maybe they’ll be nice to us.

Nerd 1:  Yeah, that’s a good idea.  We’ll help them with their learning.

(The bullies look up from their desks and see the nerds looking at them.  They feel embarrassed).

Scene four:  Thursday - during class.

Bully 1:  I hate this.  It’s too hard.  It’s so stupid.  (Pushes paper of the desk)

Nerd 1:  Do you need some help?

Bully 2:  Go away nerd, we’re fine.

Bully 3:leave us alone.

Nerd 2:  We don’t mind, honest.  We’ve finished our work already anyway...

Bully 1:  Why would you want to help us?

Nerd 1:  Because maybe if we help you, we could become friends...

Bully 2:  We don’t need any more friends.

Nerd 2:  Everyone here is scared of you.  We want to help you.  Come on, let’s start with question one...

Bully 1:  Ok...

Bully 2:  Yeah...whatever...ok.

Scene five:  Friday - nerds and bullys sitting in class together

Teacher:  Well done Susana , Alison and Cavhyon This is fantastic work.  You can go out to morning tea EARLY today.

(Bullies turn to nerds and mouth the word ‘thank you’).Close up.

All characters walk out of class - begin music - celebrate good times song.D :
The end.

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